Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: Red Door

I was cleaning out an old folder on my desk and this photo fell out. It's the front door of the house I grew up in. Seeing it sent a rush of old memories across my mind. We were always able to tell people, Oh, our house is the only one on the block with a red door. I remember really liking that distinction as a kid. I still do.


  1. What is it about photos of doors that draws viewers in? I love the color of that one!

    1. I don't know, but you are on to something. I love doors and pictures of doors, too. My mother chose that color and I'm glad she did. I drove by the house a couple of years ago and now it's boring brown. Blah......

  2. I agree! There is just something about a picture of a door that captures my curiosity.

    ...and red is much more enticing than brown.

  3. i have a red door too, fire engine red. it is handy for directions.


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