Thursday, July 7, 2011

Two Things. One Funny. One Nice.

THING ONE: If you need this cookbook, please do not invite me for dinner. Then again, I'd love to see what you can do with opossum, so....

THING TWO: A nice review "J is for Janeology" from My Two Blessings Blog. Thank you, Robin!

"...I really wanted to read her book, but had some trepidation about it, because of the subject matter.  The stories in the news like Susan Smith and other women who have killed their own children have always been hard to stomach, especially when you have children...Janeology is excellent, will keep you riveted, plus gets you thinking about our genetics and if our ancestors past actions really do affect our current actions..." Read more.


  1. I do not need that cookbook, as I have mastered all roadkill cuisine. j/k

  2. I just finished "Janeology". It's killer!

    Okay, that was a stupid comment.

    It's seriously one of the best I've read in a while. I love the "going back" part. I would wake up thinking about it.

    What's next?

  3. Marie - you had me worried there for a moment. :)

    Janie Girl - You just made my day, my week! Thanks so very much. Up next? A novel about Jane's daughter the summer she turns 12.

  4. Oh, the cookbook made my day! Last semester, I was teaching The Jungle and one of my students asked me, "Mrs. Viator, you ever ate a skunk?" With great hesitation and trepidation, thinking this had to be a joke, I replied, "No, I can't say that I have." To which he informed me, "My dad cooked one once." And honestly, I believe him.


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