Friday, June 29, 2012

Friday Finds: Girlchild

Happy Friday! What are you reading today? Hope you have a nice cool spot to read a good book and a fun beverage to go with it like this 4th of July treat I saw on the TODAY SHOW this morning. It is cranberry juice, topped with Gatorade and then Sprite. The exact recipe can be found here.

As for me, when I'm not reading this, I'm loving GIRLCHILD by Tupelo Hassman.


  1. Does the drink stay separate like that?

    1. The Today Show people said to just not stir the drink and it would stay in layers. Will have to try for myself!

  2. Hi Karen, like your name :P
    Today I'm reading Paraglide, it's a super book!

    Hmm... I have never heard about Tupelo Hassman, is it a good author? :)

    Here's a link to my finds (if you want to check them out ^_^):

    1. Hi Karen,

      I'll check out Paraglide. Always on the hunt for a good book!

      Yes, Tupelo Hassman, a debut author, is a great writer. This is a very stylistic book, but a good one.

  3. i love the cover of girlchild and look forward to your thoughts!


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